Benefits of Smartphone for Students

Benefits of Smartphone for Students


Today’s life a technological life wherein an electronic device which can very easily be kept in your pocket and is able to function a lot of everyday tasks of your life from everywhere. This amazing device is popularly known as a smartphone of the smart generation. Smartphones are one of the most indispensable parts of life. In the 21st century people depend on smartphones or phones for most of the work. But if we talk about the students, a large group of students has been using mobile phones for long time. Around more than 32.57% teenagers use mobile phone continuously in the USA and 47.31% in India which itself shows a high number of Smartphone users. The Smartphone comes in technology, that’s why it has own advantages and disadvantages. It has advanced technology systems which totally depend on basic function. Including software, multimedia functionality and internet etc.

Now a days, Smartphones are available at low prices with innumerous functions. One side is very beneficial for students. They can access any information in short time on the internet, location and books because world’s largest biggest library is available on the internet. But another side students
have to suffer from many health issues, ones of the most common health issues are eye vision, headache, body pain like back and neck.
But focus on advantages, now it is a very essential part for everyone. Students should utilize their important time and expend it for learning something beneficial skills like

    Knowledge Enhancement

The Internet is an amazing way to get any piece of information instantly by one click. The Students can get precious knowledge of any issue or upcoming topic or which has already been taught school in a lengthy way. The best way of learning something new is self-experience. But our life is too short to experience a lot of things that’s why we should learn from other’s experience. By the help of internet student can learn so many skills like social media marketing as a career, learning a language English Grammar for free, stock marketing, web designing, multimedia and many more skills to enhance your knowledge that can repay you for your lifetime.

Childhood is an important age, for in this period a child begins his journey of life.  The Internet can help for enhancing a child’s knowledge in many ways:-

1.    The biggest library of the world

2.    Quick information about current issues

3.     Online self-assessment

4.     Gather knowledge about any topic

    Applications of location

Parents have a major concern about their children. What are their children doing?  With whom is their child spending time? Or for route guidelines. The navigation apps are very useful for parents and their children to get rid of these types of concerns. Parents can access to their children through their location or guide them for a better route remotely. It not only for students it also helpful especially for drivers and others to know the right way to get a particular address. There are so many applications available on play store for location. Examples Google maps, google earth, movedsInsync.

    Time management

Time management includes punctuality which refers your image and prospective towards others. The students must know how to manage their time with a view to getting remarkable results. Smart phones have a major role for managing students’ time by making schedule. Calendar and alarm clock can promote your intention for upcoming work. It saves time and boosts confidence. It reduces the workload, moreover it provides you enough time to think about something interesting to learn for new things.

    Online studies

As we are in the 21st century, covid 19 is going on all over the world. All the schools, colleges, institutes, universities are temporarily closed. But learning shouldn’t stop for all the students. In this situation studies via online classes are the best alternative way of learning. Online learning is rather advantageous. We can get virtual and audio classes which make us more attentive. The same classes which we have attended once, can get again in case we have any doubt, or if any part of
lecture was difficult so in the second time can be understood easily.

    Backup / data sever

It is almost impossible task to remember something for a long time. Internet has a unique section of backup or data saver. Self-notes or any important topic can be saved online so that it can be viewed in the future whenever it is felt necessary. It secures your important data and can also be accessed anywhere or anytime. Provided that something important has been deleted by you   and it was successfully saved on the internet you can get backup file easily. It is one of the best features of a smartphone which I personally like and use too. Ex. Google drive, drobox etc.

This is a better option for teenagers as well as youngsters there is so much data generated every day which is saved on the internet it is not only for a time period but we can access 10,50, or 100  years age’s data easily in our smartphones.


One of the most amusing parts of smartphones is entertainment including games, songs, movies, Web series, cartoons etc. teens highly tend to watch cartoons and play games which is also a stress booster. If we talk about the cartoons, it is not only a virtual show. It depends on the knowledge based issue also can be watched in multiple languages. Entertainment is not only for enjoyment, it is
rather knowledgeable and mind refreshing.

     1.     Historical monuments and different cultures

2.     Reality show

3.    Virtual motivational and inspirational

4.    E- Sport or outdoor games.

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