How to prepare English for competitive exams

How to prepare English for competitive exams

Presently English is a universal and worldwide use language. Through the number of speakers, you can easily understand the importance of the English language. In case you are preparing for government examinations and want to learn Noun rules for SSC and know how to do English preparation for competitive exams, this article is exclusively for you.

Worldwide Importance of English Language

The English language stands at the top among all the languages in the world. It has approximately 1453 million speakers around the world.


Total Speakers (millions)












It has 373 million native speakers and 1080 non-native English speakers across the world. According to the number of native speakers English is the third most spoken language in the World.


Native Speakers (millions)










The importance of the English language is increasing day by day. English is used as an official language in approximately 72 countries including India.

People aspire after getting government jobs in today’s Era, but it is not as easy as pie for all. If someone wants to know how to prepare for competitive exams presently, he needs to clear the government exam. It consists of four sections;

1.       English

2.       Mathematics

3.       Reasoning

4.       General studies

Most students are good at mathematics and it also helps them understand the concepts of reasoning ins and outs. They can learn general knowledge questions with the help of PDF or online courses regarding the examination. But when it comes to English it creates problems for many students. It has become a bottleneck in their way to success.
In today’s article, you are going to know how someone can prepare himself for English on his own. If you are preparing yourself for competitive exams and want to learn English for competitive exams so first you need to know the syllabus of English and it is pretty common in most competitive exams.

Types of Competitive Exams

It also plays a great role in competitive examinations. These days, people who are preparing for various government public sectors like NDA, CHSL, SSC, IFRS, UDC (upper divisional clerk), Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC), Data Entry Operator (DEO), SSC (MTS) Multi-Tasking Staff, SSC General Duty Constable (GD), SSC Grade C, Grade D Stenographer, RRB assistant loco pilot railway group D, (BSF) Border Security Force, (CRPF) Central Reserve Police Force, (ITBP) Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, (CISF) Central Industrial Security Force examinations they need to prepare themselves for the English language.

For competitive exams English is divided into three main categories;

1.  Grammatical knowledge

2.  Reading comprehension skill

3.  Vocabulary portion

In the beginning, a student needs to understand the concepts of parts of speech. It gives him a profound knowledge of sentence structure and word classifications. After knowing the topics, he will be able to understand the grammatical concepts in an easier way.

Grammatical Knowledge

English grammar is a bundle of some chapters with some limited rules for grammatically correct sentence formation. If you want to have good command over English grammar then you need to have a great book to learn some basic grammar tips from these chapters like Subject Verb Agreement, Parts of speech, Tenses, Articles, Prepositions, Passive voice, Narration, Conditional sentences, etc.

I am mentioning some books for your help if you want to learn the best grammar rules you can choose them. In case you are a beginner you should choose

1. Plinth to Paramount written by Neetu Singh: it is a bilingual book

If you are an intermediate then you should choose.

2. Objective General English; written by SP Bakshi.

If you need someone to guide you, you can learn English grammar online. There are a lot of YouTube channels and other platforms as well. You can take the help of online English blogs and sites.

Reading comprehension skill

The reading section examines the understanding level of a student in the English language. It includes many topics like unseen passages, sentence rearrangement, and paragraph completion.

If you want to score well in the reading comprehension part, then you must engage yourself in the reading habit. Reading helps you not only understand the context but also improve your vocabulary.

You can read articles, newspapers, and magazines. I prefer reading current affairs magazines in English medium. It helps you cover your current affairs topics and improves your reading skills.

Vocabulary Portion

After grammar, vocabulary is the second most important section in English for competitive exams. It covers;

1.       Synonyms & Antonyms

2.       Homonyms

3.       Cloze test,

4.       One-word substitutions

5.       Idioms

Vocabulary is a vast section and you can never cover it if you start memorizing the dictionary. You just need to focus on the relevant words. For further help, you can download previous years’ question papers and complete the vocabulary from ‘Plinth to paramount book’ and ‘Objective General English by SP Bakshi’. This is more than enough for your preparation of vocabulary.

One of the easiest ways to memorize vocabulary easily is to watch online videos on YouTube. There are some channels wherein you can have an opportunity to learn the same vocabulary as given in the Plinth to paramount, and Objective General English books. Those YouTubers help you learn the vocabulary in an easier way.

Practice is the master key

Practice the most important part of your learning. While you are preparing English for competitive exams along with learning English grammar rules and memorizing the vocabulary. You can also go through these 5 tips to improve English. It becomes necessary to examine yourself. You can download online applications or buy any practice set in order to check your proficiency level.

Most students do not know how to start doing English preparation for competitive exams. I hope this article gives you clarity about it. You can also learn English online free and brush up on your studies. Thanks for reading this article.

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