English grammar modal verbs Rules

English grammar modal verbs Rules


Hello friends, I hope that all of you are fit as a fiddle. Here is what you always love to learn with precise information and detailed examples. I have a method for an easy approach to English modal verbs. I have separated this chapter into two parts. In the first part which has already been posted, there were five modals explained with detailed examples. These were Can, will, should, would and shall were clearly mentioned. The second part for the usages of modals that will help you speak better. Let’s start now the second part here we will cover may, Dare, used to, need, might, must, could and ought to.


When you feel like speaking formally with your teacher, senior or any officer, you might feel what the best words that one should use are. Here is the answer for your questions.

(Formal Permission, Polite request and Possibility)

Formal Permission

        1.     May I come in sir?    

        2.     May you allow me to sit with you for a while?

Polite Request

        1.     How may I help you complete
your work?

        2.     How may we make this project creative?

Strong Possibility

        1.     It is lightening in the sky, it may rain tonight.    

        2.     If you are working hard for your dream, you may make it come true one day.

Additional Use

        1.     However hard this task may be, you will do it easily if you this appeals to you.

        2.     You should have long steps so that you may run fast.


It is used to tell a stronger suggestion. You must take your online class in order to continue your learning. These days everybody must have a computing skill to have an arm chair job easily.


        1.     You must obey your parents as they have made ample sacrifices for your better life.

        2.     One must act out one’s duty honestly. To oppose strongly

It is used to strongly deny something.

        1.     You must not leave the people who helped you in the hardship.

        2.     A truly gentle man must not insult the persons coming to his home.

Past Use of Must

        ·       In the past we use ‘Must Have’ with this we always use V3 form which gives a sense of strong will in the past. 

         1.     If she had enrolled herself in B.ED, she must have been appointed as a teacher.

         2.     I must have slept in case not received a call.


This model verb is used in the past as well as the present tense differently.

Formation: Past Possibility, Polite Request and Past Ability.

Past Possibility

        1.     She could not work well without getting trained for almost two months.

        2.     I could resign from my job. Polite Request (in the present tense)

        1.     Could you please tell me the way to Jaipur?

        2.     What could we do to make your day special?

Past Ability

        1.     I could climb up a long tree when I was 14.

        2.     She could clear the entrance exam for NEET before she started doing a job. 

Past of Can

        1.     She opposed that she could not go against her parents.

        2.     My friend said that he could do anything to see me smile.


Less Possibility, Past of May Possibility

1.     Everybody might not be right to make suggestions about your life.

2.     I might answer incorrectly according to you but it has an imperative reason to support.

Past of May

Here is another use of Might as the past modals examples for May
added using the narration method.

        1.     She said to the teacher, “May you allow me entre the class?”

She asked the teacher if he might allow her to enter the class.

        2.     Raju was saying, “You may never see me again.”

Raju was saying to me that I might never see him again.

There are two Types of modal verbs first in Model Auxiliary and another is semi model auxiliary which includes (Dare, Used to and Need) are both main verbs as well as modal auxiliaries. You must know the difference to use all of these. I will explain them separately as action verbs and model verbs examples

Dare means to take heart for an adventurous task

·       When dare is used as a model auxiliary verb, not comes just after dare and nothing is changed in it.

(Dare as a Model auxiliary verb) 

1.     I dare not talk to my boss whenever he calls me for a pending task.

2.     He dare accept all the risky challenges hence he is known as a daring guy in our area.

3.     How dare you behave me like that?

(Dare as an action verb)

1.     Rahul doesn’t dare to speak the truth in from of his seniors when he makes any loophole.

2.     I dare to trust people and they prove themselves by doing I always expect.

3.     Do you dare to watch horror movies alone at night?


As a model auxiliary verb

        1.     She need not worry about anything as long as I am with her.

        2.     I need make notes for every chapter you prepare so that you have a quick review before exams.

        3.     Need we think about that has already happened? 

(As an action verb)

        1.     They need to brush on their communication skills to get a job in an MNC company.

        2.     I don’t need to search for a perfect match for me, I already have it.

        3.     Why did she need to ask him for help?

Used to

Past Irregular activities

       1.     Sometimes I used to wake up at 7 A.M.

       2.     They used to smoke during exams to reduce the mental stress.

       3.     Why used we to bunk our classes?

(As an action verb)

        1.     I did not used to fight with anyone in my school time.

        2.     How did she use my laptop without my permission?

Additional Use of ‘Used to’ 

Here is an additional use with modal phrase examples of Used to as an adjective which always takes present participle (V1+ing) and shows an addiction for something.

1.     He is used to smoking a lot during night.

2.     We were used to playing Cricket in our childhood.

I hope that you clearly perceived Modals examples and their functions thoroughly in details in case you have doubt, please mention in the comment so that it can be cleared at the earliest. There will be more interesting lessons for you soon, keep visiting us.

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