10 idiomatic expressions with meaning and examples

10 idiomatic expressions with meaning and examples


1. what is the meaning of “Roll up your sleeves”?.

What is idiom meaning?

Idiomatic expressions add color and depth to our language. It allows us to convey complex ideas in a concise and creative manner.  In this blog post, we will explore 10 idioms and their meanings. Whether you’re a language enthusiast or someone looking to improve your English communication skills, these idioms will undoubtedly enhance your repertoire.

1. Break a leg

Meaning: This expression is commonly used to wish someone good luck before a performance or important event.

It implies that one wishes the person to have a successful outcome.

For examples,

a) Before his big presentation, John’s colleague said, “Break a leg!” to encourage him and wish him luck.

b) The actor told his friend to break a leg before his big performance.

c) The athlete told her teammates to break a leg before their big game.

d) The student told her classmates to break a leg before their big test.

e) The singer told her bandmates to break a leg before their big concert.

2. Bite the bullet

Meaning: To tackle a difficult or tough situation with bravery.

For examples,

a) Sarah knew she had to confront her fear of public speaking, so she decided to bite the bullet and sign up for a Toastmasters club.

b) The patient had to bite the bullet and get a root canal.

c) The soldier had to bite the bullet and go into battle.

d) The job applicant had to bite the bullet and interview for the job she really wanted.

e) The student had to bite the bullet and study for the test she knew she was going to fail.

3. Cost an arm and a leg

Meaning: Something that is extremely expensive or costly.

For examples,

a) The new designer handbag looked stunning, but it cost an arm and a leg, so Emily decided to wait for a sale.

b) Our new car costs me an arm and a leg.

c) The college education is costing me an arm and a leg.

d) My wedding costs me an arm and a leg.

e) Their new house cost me an arm and a leg.

4. Spill the beans

Meaning: To reveal or expose a secret.

For examples,

a) Mark couldn’t contain his excitement and ended up spilling the beans about the surprise party to his sister.

b) I accidentally spilled the beans about the surprise party.

c) Neha spilled the beans about my crush on her brother.

d) They spilled the beans about my plans to quit my job.

e) My coworker spilled the beans about the company’s plans to lay off employees.

5. Piece of cake

Meaning: Something that is very easy or effortless to accomplish.

For examples,

a) Jane found the math exam to be a piece of cake because she had studied diligently.

b) The English test was a piece of cake for us.

c) The project was a piece of cake.

d) The job interview was a piece of cake.

e) The date was a piece of cake.

6. Hit the nail on the head

Meaning: To be precisely correct or accurate.

Let’s look at idioms examples,

a) During the brainstorming session, Samantha made an insightful suggestion that hit the nail on the head and solved the problem.

b) Neha really hit the nail on the head with her close observation.

c) My teacher hit the nail on the head when she said that I need to study more.

d) The coach hit the nail on the head when he said that I need to practice more.

e) Her parents hit the nail on the head when they said that I need to get a job.

7. Spick and span

Meaning: Refers to something that is extremely clean and tidy.

For examples,

a) Marie spent hours cleaning her apartment, leaving it spick and span before her guests arrived.

b) My house was spick and span after the maid finished cleaning.

c) The car was spick and span after the detailer finished cleaning it.

d) The office was spick and span after the janitor finished cleaning it.

e) The classroom was spick and span after the students finished cleaning it.

8. Barking up the wrong tree

Meaning: To pursue a mistaken or misguided course of action or to blame the wrong person.

For examples,

a) The police were barking up the wrong tree when they accused Jack of stealing the necklace; it turned out to be his twin brother.

b) She is barking up the wrong tree if she thinks that person is guilty.

c) I think Kundan is barking up the wrong tree if he thinks that he was the reason for her health.

d) They are barking up the wrong tree because that restaurant has good food.

e) I think you’re barking up the wrong tree if you think that movie is going to be good.

9. On cloud nine

Meaning: To feel extreme happiness or joy.

For examples,

a) After receiving the job offer, Laura was on cloud nine and celebrated with her friends.

b) She is on cloud nine after getting a promotion at work.

c) They are on cloud nine after getting engaged.

d) Kamal is on cloud nine after getting married.

e) My friend was on cloud nine after getting a new puppy.

10. Cutting corners

Meaning: To do something in a hasty or careless manner by neglecting proper procedures or standards.

For examples,

a) Instead of conducting thorough research, the company decided to cut corners and released an inferior product.

b) It is a good idea to cut corners on this project.

c) Kundan always tries to cut corners for every task.

d) You have to cut corners on this job interview.

e) You cannot cut corners to get success in life.


Idioms in English are not only linguistic quirks but also powerful tools to enhance our communication skills. Incorporating these ten idiomatic expressions is the best way to remember vocabulary, you will not only make your speech more engaging and colorful but also gain a deeper understanding of the English language. So, don’t be afraid to use idioms in your conversations and writing—they are a doorway to expressing yourself with flair and finesse. Happy learning!

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