Easy to catch 10 kinds of Adjective with definition and examples

Easy to catch 10 kinds of Adjective with definition and examples

An adjective is a word which qualifies a noun or a pronoun. It shows or points out some specialty of a noun or a pronoun. If you don’t perceive the above definition so here is a Simple definition of adjective that can hit your mind hard at once. Adjectives are the words used to express additional information about the nouns and pronouns.

An adjective describes something (it tells us what something is like).

                                                            By John Eastwood, Oxford practice grammar

Let’s look at some examples that help you understand more about the adjective words.

        ·       I have red T-shirt.

        ·       She gifted me beautiful flowers on my birthday.

        ·       My mother looks gorgeous in a suit.

The above underlines words display the adjectives in the sentences and gives additional information about the nouns and pronouns.

Position of adjectives

There are two type of positions for adjectives

        1.      Attributive : an adjective comes before a noun.

        2.     Predicative : an adjective comes after a verb.

Examples for attributive position.

1.     Mr. Durdyal Singh is a genial person.

2.     We have trustworthy friends.

The underlined words are adjectives and have been used just before the nouns. If you still have doubt to identify the nouns you may learn it………………….

Examples for predicative position.

1.     I was tensed yesterday night.

2.     She looks lost somewhere.

Now the next step to learn different type of adjectives. Here are the mainly 10 kinds of adjectives and examples with detailed information for you to figure it out easily.

Type of adjectives

        1.     Proper adjective

        2.     Adjective of numbers

        3.     Emphasizing adjective

        4.     Adjective of quantity

        5.     Adjective of quality

        6.     Interrogative adjective

        7.     Possessive adjective

        8.     Demonstrative adjective

        9.     Distributive adjective

        10.  Participle adjective

There are also two additional types of adjectives in english available for much knowledge you should have a glance at them.

        ·       Coordinating adjective

        ·       Cumulative adjective

        1.      Proper adjective: proper adjectives are the words that emerges from proper nouns.

    India : Indian

    China : Chinese

    Italy : Italian

    German : Germany

    Budh : Budhist

    America : American

    Delhi : Delhiites

    Haryana: Haryanvi

    Britain : British

    Nepal : Nepali

    Bengal : Bengali

    Bihar  : Bihari

    Italy   : Italian

The above right hand side words are proper adjectives.


        1.     She loves eating Italian food every time she goes out of town with her husband.

        2.     They have been to America and know most of American culture.

        3.     The Haryanvi language is popularly known the most raucous dialect in the world.

        4.     The present Delhi’s chief minister is really working hard to provide the Delhiites a lot of facilities.

        5.     The Budhist don’t believe in violence and always come forward to help the people out of difficulties.

(Note : Just as we always write the proper noun with the first letter always capital, Proper adjective follows the same

        2.      Adjective of numbers : it describes the numbers in a sentence and helps us to count the things as per their numbers or positions.

Usually there are three types of numbers in English and each is given for your assistance here. 

        1.     Ordinal numbers

        2.     Cardinal numbers

        3.     Multiplicative numbers

        ·       The ordinal numbers show the positions like first, second and third.


The first row of the students never complete the homework.

The Indian institutes of Information technologies have the one-hundred-twenty-seventh rank in all over the

(Note: The article is used with ordinals numbers in case there is no possessive adjective.)

        ·       The cardinal numbers show the digits like one, two, three… etc. it is mostly used to show the number of

Examples: He gave me three notebooks and one pen for my homework.

The teacher has given them a hundred times, but they still care a fig for it.

        ·       The multiplicative numbers maybe rarely used in your conversation, but you must know about these words. They show multiplication of numbers that shows a repetition of actions performed by someone.

Examples: Single, double and triple etc.

A single sheet of a paper can’t decide your future hence don’t be despondent for it.

N-95 masks have triple layers of virus tackling which enables it to spread through a person.

If these numbers come together in a single sentence the pattern to be used for their positions it O.C.M. which Ordinal
à Cardinal number à Multiplicative number

        3.     Emphasizing adjective: this adjective makes the sentence more powerful to speak and better to hear. Emphasizing words are Very (means the same here), Own, and same.


They accept the challenges at their own risks to either lose or win it.

I always mind my own business. I saw it with my own eyes but took me a week to realize what I saw, was realistic.

The very moment she was about to commit suicide, the electricity had come.

He is the very boy who was the tallest in our school.

I recommend the very books that I have used and found them helpful for learning English.

This is the first part of adjective where we have share precise information about only first three types of types of adjectives with examples which are the proper adjective, the adjective of numbers and the emphasizing adjective. It is hoped that it can easily understandable post to learn it for everybody. In the upcoming post, the leftover type of adjectives will be covered with detailed explanation.

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