Objective Case of Pronoun Examples and Exercise

Objective Case of Pronoun Examples and Exercise


When it comes to understanding the basic rules of English grammar, one must be familiar with the concept of pronoun spotting error rules and their cases. Pronouns are words that replace nouns, and they come in different forms based on their function in a sentence.

1. Please give _____ the book

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In this blog post, we will discuss objective personal pronouns, including examples and various situations in which they are used. This will help you enhance your understanding of English grammar and improve your communication skills.

What is the Objective Case of Pronoun?

The objective case of a pronoun refers to the form used when the pronoun functions as an object in a sentence. An object can be a direct object, an indirect object, or an object of a preposition. Objective case pronouns are used to receive the action of the verb or to show a relationship between the pronoun and other words in the sentence.

Objective Case Pronouns Examples

The following list contains common objective case pronouns:

























Now that we are familiar with the objective case pronouns, let’s explore their usage in various contexts within a sentence.

Objective Case Pronouns as Direct Objects

We always use the objective case of the pronoun after a preposition.

1) She called him yesterday.

2) They invited us to the party.

3) Please give me the book.

Objective Case Pronouns as Indirect Objects

It usually comes between the verb and the direct object in a sentence. Objective case pronouns are used as indirect objects as well. Here are some examples:

1) She gave him a gift.

2) They sent us an invitation.

3) Please tell me the truth.

Objective Case Pronouns in Prepositional Phrases

We always use the objective case of the pronoun after all the prepositional phrases. Here are some examples:

1) She talked to him about the project.

2) They were sitting near us.

3) The book is for you.

Objective Case Pronouns as Objects of Infinitives

An infinitive is the base form of a verb that usually begins with “to.” Objective case pronouns can be used as objects of infinitives. Here are some examples:

1) I want to see her again.

2) She needs to call him later.

3) They decided to invite us to the concert.

Objective Case Pronouns as Objects of Gerunds

We can easily identify a gerund in a sentence. It is a present participle form (V1+ ing) of a verb. It always ends with “Ing”. Objective case pronouns can be used as objects of gerunds. Here are some examples:

1) I enjoy reading to them.

2) She likes listening to him.

3) They prefer watching us perform.

Objective Case Pronouns in Comparisons

When making comparisons using “than” or “as,” it is appropriate to use objective case pronouns. Here are some examples:

1) She is taller than him.

2) He works as hard as her.

3) They are as smart as us.

2. They invited Mary and _____ to the party.

3. She told _____ the secret.

4.Could you please pass the salt to _____ and my sister?

5. The teacher scolded Peter and _____ for being late.

6. He didn’t recognize _____ in the crowd.

7. My friend invited my brother and _____ to the concert

8. Sarah made a sandwich for her and _____.

9. The teacher handed out the papers to _____.

10. They promised to meet _____ at the park.

11. Can you help _____ with this math problem?

12. The boss congratulated John and _____ for their hard work.

13. I bought some flowers for my mom and _____.

14. She offered to drive my brother and _____ to the airport.

15. They want to talk to you and _____ about the project.

16. My sister and _____ are going to the mall.

17. Please send ______ the package.

18. We went to the concert without my brother and _____.

19. _____ is going to the store.

20. He thanked _____ for the gift.

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In conclusion, understanding nominative and objective pronouns is crucial for mastering English grammar. By knowing when to use these pronouns rules for competitive exams in various contexts, such as direct objects, indirect objects, prepositional phrases, objects of infinitives, objects of gerunds, and comparisons, you can communicate more effectively and accurately.

Keep practicing and applying these rules, and you will see improvement in your English language skills.



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