Unique ADJECTIVES to Describe Yourself

Unique ADJECTIVES to Describe Yourself


Although I have already posted two parts of adjectives with examples and definitions so that it can strike to your head at once clearly and reduce the fear of English from your mind remarkably. This is the final part for adjectives rules and types. Here I will cover the leftover 3 adjectives clearly defined with multiple usages. There are mentioned below in case you have gone through all the articles for adjective meaning and type, it will eradicate your fear of English. These are some unique types of adjectives that I hope you have never seen or heard of them. Let’s learn something new and useful facts to know about it.

Unique Adjectives

1. Participle adjectives

2. Cumulative adjectives

3. Coordinating adjectives

Participle adjectives

This is one the most important adjectives because it originates from verbs. It has different usages and can confuse you in case you don’t pay attention towards it. I am giving you an example to show how a participle adjective looks like in a sentence.

1.            The sound of traffic vehicles is irritating on the roads.

2.            I am irritated just because of this of this irritating sound of vehicles.

In the above 2 sentences I have highlighted the participle adjectives.  In the first example a sound is described by an adjective word (an irritating sound) means the sound which irritates, and in the another example it describes a person (who is irritated) now you must have an idea the words you used to take as a verb and confuse you, were not the verbs in reality these words adjectives that you have come to know that now. Don’t worry here is a lot that will surprise you.

There are two types of participle adjectives

1. Present participle

2. Past participle

The present participle can easily be identified as it ends with ING for examples irritating, confusing, interesting, tiring, hardworking and devastating etc.


The first movie show was interesting.

The hard working students are always appreciated by the teachers.

Typing work can be tiring for a lot of people, but it is an interesting task for many.

Mr. Yogesh’ behavior was disappointing hence he was given a strict warming first and later terminated.

Past participle

The adjectives that fall in this category are quite single to be identified as they are in their V3 position.

Let’s look at this example

1. I tried to fix a broken heart and got mine broken in returns.

2. He is tired of doing the same work over and over again.

3. He was not at all interested to solve the tiring puzzles for him.

4. A wounded man tried to save the life of many people in a natural disaster.

5. His burnt face makes him a laughing stock.

The cumulative adjectives

This adjective shows different qualities of a noun or pronoun with various words.

1. He is a punctual, honest and handsome boy.

2. It was really a tiring, time taking and confusing task, but I handled it with my understanding.

3. Ramu is a strict and helpful person.

Note: it is a simple way to use numerous adjectives together but always make sure that the adjectives are in the same degree.

Degrees of adjectives

There are 3 degrees of adjectives

1. Positive

2 comparative

3 superlative

Positive                         Comparative               

Good                                   better                                  best

Wise                                    wiser                                   wisest

Fast                                      faster                                  fastest

Beautiful                              more beautiful                  most beautiful

Early                                    earlier                                 earliest

Sweet                                  sweeter                               sweetest

Soon                                   sooner                                soonest

Bad                                      worse                                  worst

Late                                     later                                     latest

Rich                                     richer                                    richest

Tall                                       taller                                    tallest

  ·       You always have to make sure that you properly use the degrees of adjectives of the same category else it
will be incorrect.

Here are some examples of the correct usage of adjectives.

  1.     She is wiser and more beautiful now.

  2.     He is the tallest and richest in his school.

Interrogative adjective

There are also interrogative adjectives to make questions even clearer so that the person gets it thoroughly what to answer and what the actually person is talking about. You must remember that the interrogative adjectives take noun with them else it will be an interrogative pronoun. You should have a clear difference between the two.

Words : What, Which and Whose.


  1.     What type of dresses do you love to wear?

  2.     What information did you collect during your training in Nepal?

  1.     Which restaurant is your favorite in India?

  2.     Which question confused him in the exam?

  3.     Which girl did you like to get married?

  1.     Whose accompany do you prefer to go with?

  2.     Whose project was the best in the science exhibition?

The above examples display the interrogative adjectives as all of these words have a noun just after them but if it is not there, it means it is the interrogative pronoun. Let’s look at some examples.

What do you like to learn in your free time? (Pronoun)

Which is your least favorite dish in Chinese? (Pronoun)

This is the third part for the adjectives where the leftover adjectives were discussed with you all here. I hope that you have never ever seen or heard of these before, but they keep high significance in English. After reading this article I am sure that it has reduced the phobia adjective from your mind as you have learnt a lot of different adjectives to the advanced level. Continue learning something new on a regular basis here.

Thanks for visiting us: www.englishphobia.com This is the third part for the adjectives where the leftover adjectives are going to be discussed with you all here. I hope that you have never ever seen or heard of those before, but they keep high significance in English.

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