5 Facts Shashi Tharoor Wished His Students Could Know

5 Facts Shashi Tharoor Wished His Students Could Know

Shashi Tharoor is popularly known as a veteran of the English language. He speaks English tremendously. He is known for his complex vocabulary. He is a rich source of inspiration for linguistic students. He inspires people to learn English. He and has a remarkable teaching experience might wish as a teacher for his students to know the 5 facts of life. A teacher is one of the most important relations in one’s life. A teacher is someone who brings out the best in his students based on their different interests and potentials. Similarly, he always wishes to share his throughout experience with his students so that they can learn something from it and should not repeat the same mistakes in their lives in the future.

    1.     Importance of time:- Time is really an indispensable fact in everything. Time is an effective tool that can change your world completely. Teachers are always bent on emphasizing educating their students so that they may achieve something great in their lives. Only a few people possess time management skills. It creates a unique path to success that differs them from the crowd and makes them distinct personalities. You can utilize your leisure time to learn computing skills or to learn English grammar basic for self-enhancement and make the most of it. Free time is precious time use it incredibly to change your time. We strongly believe that there is no age for learning anything, but there is a suitable time for it. Once time goes can never come back again. The people who keep pace with the time can perform great in their lives and those who don’t are rejected by the time.

   2.  Never repeat the same mistake:- Everybody makes a mistake. To err is a natural phenomenon of life. Making mistakes sounds good because mistakes prove that someone is trying hard in life.  People make mistakes in their lives and the reason for their being unsuccessful is that they keep repeating it while brilliant people, accept their mistakes and start the process of reformation. They achieve the top of mind awareness and always try not to repeat the same mistake again as human beings make a loophole every single minute, but if we learn not to do one again. We probably can improve ourselves easily. Our mistakes are the great teachers who learn from them. Every mistake teaches you a new lesson. Every lesson is important enough to change your life. If you are determined not to repeat the same mistakes but rather learn from them. There can be no great process in life to achieve what you aspire to. It will automatically come to you in unknown ways.

    3.   Always keep yourself improving:- There is no final stage in life hence one must always keep improving. Every day’s improvement in one’s life can bring remarkable changes. If you do not know anything, that’ is okay but if you don’t try to improve yourself or perform better just because you don’t possess proficiencies that are not okay. No one is born with skills, everyone learns them to make his life different, but you need to get rid of laziness and procrastination. Smart people never focus on age, but they do focus on their ambitions, aspirations, and dreams. Success has no fixed age therefore it can knock at your door anytime. A little improvement in one’s life brings unbelievable outcomes. The difference between an experienced person and a fresher is tiny which distinguishes them for their positions. This is only the self-amelioration and improvement for the task they carry out at the position. When the fresher learns it, he is promoted to the next position to improve further. Improvement therefore never ends. We always need to ameliorate till we take our last breath.

     4.   Never divert from the aim:- We always have an aim in life. It is well said that the person who doesn’t have any goal or an aim doesn’t live a life. He is rather dead. We set goals and execute them in order to achieve our aim. Your destination is a staircase wherein each goal is a stair that takes you upward to the destination of your aim. Some people have a lot of responsibilities that can take them away from their aim. This is an inevitable reality of life that the responsible person of a family leaves his dream and proceeds ahead so that he can help his family members make their dreams come true. It is an indescribable appreciation for him, but we should never divert our minds from a decided goal. If responsibilities are harder, the efforts must be stronger to subdue them. You must keep trying even if slowly but firmly. 

      5.  Relevance of an opportunity:- Opportunities knock at the door at once only and we must avail ourselves of them whenever they come to us. Most people don’t grab it for they take a lot of time to think about what to do, but always be specific with the fact that time and tide waits for none. Therefore, he wishes his students to make their best efforts to achieve whatever comes their way. Every opportunity comes up with numerous career options and provides a better platform for learning. If you don’t grab the opportunity that comes your way, this will make you repent lastly because life very rarely gives you a chance to show your potential. There are millions of people who can perform that task better but are looking for a chance that life doesn’t give them. If you get a chance to do something, thank god to be enough fortunate to provide you with this opportunity and move on in life with that.

Shashi Tharoor may wish his students to know these facts of life to achieve what one dream for. He speaks English very fluently and helps others to disappear their fear of English language. His teachings go beyond one’s desirability. He is worldwide known for his precious vocabulary. The reason to have a remarkable collection of his English vocab, he emphasizes the reading habit.

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