Adversative and Illative Conjunctions with Examples

Adversative and Illative Conjunctions with Examples

You will have a profound glance at the coordinating conjunctions and their types with detailed examples.

The first part of the conjunction wherein you substantially learned about types of conjunctions, their definition, and their various types. There was only the explanation of coordinating conjunctions and their two main parts, but now you are going to learn leftover parts about it.

 Types of coordinating conjunction

       1) Cumulative conjunction

       2) Alternative conjunction

       3) Illative conjunction

       4) Adversative conjunction

I hope you have already learned the first two parts of coordinating conjunction and types in the previous part. conjunction in a sentence connects two or more than two various substances of grammar.

Here you will go through the most advanced part of the conjunctions which is Subordinating conjunction. Firstly there are examples of the leftover conjunctions from the coordinating conjunctions.

Adversative Conjunction

We use adversative conjunctions to show a refusal, disagreement, or disapproval in the sentence. It gives an opposite meaning to a statement. Let’s look at the below examples.


 I know that he will surely deny me nevertheless I am anxiously waiting for his decision.

They came late, but the teacher didn’t say anything.

The underlined words in the above sentences show an example of conjunction in a sentence. These represent coordinating conjunctions.

With the help of the below conjunctions, you can make adversative sentences and show a different perspective of something.


{But, Still, yet, while, however,
nevertheless, whereas, notwithstanding, although, even though


1.  People know Narendra Modi, but he doesn’t know everybody in the country.

2.  He is rich, but he is a miser.

3.   The students go to school, but they don’t study there.



1.   They have deceived me at every step still I trust them.

2.   The students still have resentment for not learning English.

3.    I still care for the people who fought with me unnecessarily.

While or whereas

       1.    While I am standing, you are sitting in the class.

       2.    My friends work for Multi-National Companies whereas I work in a regional office.

       3.    I don’t exactly remember each of my classmates while we were together in school days.


       1.    I am angry nevertheless talk politely with everybody.

       2.    Some students want to learn English grammar nevertheless they don’t try it.

       3.    Rakesh is my best friend nevertheless we don’t meet much.


{Although, Even though or Though}

Note:- all of these have similar meanings and usages too. It always takes either a (, ) or yet with them.

        1.    Although people are impatient yet they are asked to wait.

        2.    Even though she is not sleepy, she always talks to me.

        3.    Although we have not known each other for much time yet we have a strong connection.



        1.    I have been busy with myself however I make time for my friends.

        2.    However fast I may read, it takes me a week to complete a book.

        3.    There is no chance of our getting together however we want to try our luck.



        1.    Raman is a drunkard notwithstanding people are made for him.

        2.    He is poor notwithstanding he is lavish.

        3.    Gaur Gopal Das is an engineer notwithstanding he explicates arduous religious concepts simply.


What is Illative conjunction?

We use the illative conjunctions to show the results of a precedent action. Let’s learn illative conjunctions. These are illative conjunctions, you can take the help of the help box and use them to make an illative conjunction sentence.


(So, for, therefore, then, hence)


        1.    He met with an accident so I went to the hospital to see him immediately.

        2.    She never shows her love so she never lets others know about it.

        3.    My laptop was charged so I unplugged it from the charger.



        1.    I wanted to learn English grammar step by step for I started taking classes.

        2.    He desired to get a selection in the Air force for he tried his best.

        3.    Mr. Sanjay writes articles weekly for he needs the material for reading.



        1.    He was in an angry mood hence nobody dared to talk with him.

        2.    The expert team for hiring candidates rejected him hence he committed suicide.

        3.    I do not like talking with unknown people hence I sit silently at first glance.



        1.    A content writer applied for a job then he received numerous calls for interviews from various companies.

        2.    The students must know the types of conjunctions and then go for the conjunction examples list.

        3.    I first completed my assigned work then he asked me to display it in the meeting.

        4.    She knew me completely and then decided to take the decision to be with me for a lifetime.



        1.    They don’t really care for what people think of them therefore they lead a peaceful life.

        2.    Young candidates feel job insecurity therefore they don’t like to join it.

        3.    He handles all types of her moods and cares for her a lot therefore she doesn’t want to lose him at any cost.

Now it is time to examine whether you have really understood the conjunctions or not for there is a conjunction
for your practice. Choose appropriate conjunction from the help box and fill in the blanks.


1) They know healthy habits ____ they don’t apply them in daily life. ( and / but )

2) She will finish her work first ____ she will go for dinner. ( then/ yet )

3) Although he was hungry ____ none offered him food. ( therefore/ yet)

4) We love each other ____ nothing can separate us. ( still / hence )

5) I used Excel long ago __ I still know it. ( but / so)

There are mainly four types of coordinating conjunctions. It is very easy to learn each of them separately. The above sentences with various conjunctions are Coordinating conjunction examples.

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